Every Curriculum Vitae is Different
So they should be if you want to stand out from the other job applicants. Certain important information is essential – Personal Details, Education and Qualifications, Work History, and Interests.
At Enhance Project we cannot compile the content of your CV for you – but we can make it look impressive. We also check for spelling and grammatical errors. Most CVs have one or two of those!
It is also important to keep a CV to two pages, and usually customise it to the job specification. For some people it is a good idea to have a couple of versions at hand, depending on the type of position sought.
Here are some samples of Curricula Vitae we have produced. Some just show the first page for reasons of confidentiality. These are just a few types of CV. Yours needs to be different…!
We also type up impressive Cover Letters in business style.
Contact us with a copy of your existing CV and we will see if we can enhance it.